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A music festival site can be exposed to inclement weather and temperature extremes. Festival organisers need to ensure their devices used on-site are sufficiently protected from the elements as well as the increased likelihood of receiving knocks and bangs. Are rugged devices a worthwhile investment for festival organisers and what are the benefits.  


Andy Robertson - Monday 7 November 2022


Commercial sponsorship of music festivals still provides a significant portion of the revenue an event organisation receives. In an increasingly competitive environment providing excellent customer service to potential and existing sponsors can make the difference between closing a deal or not.


Andy Robertson - Friday 4 November 2022


Organisers of music festivals are facing some of the biggest challenges they have ever faced in operating a successful event in 2023. Extra attention to detail for every facet of organising a festival is required along with a creative approach to planning and logistics to overcome the current challenges.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 3 November 2022

The ‘sustainability’ topic for music festivals is trending and organisers are increasingly having to manage a multitude of facets related to operating their events. A new sustainability ‘circular toolkit’ has been made available online which may help those seeking clarification and help in setting tasks and priorities to achieve their sustainability objectives.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 2 November 2022

Festival-goers are encouraged to contribute towards making music festivals more environmentally friendly and using sustainable toiletries is a big part of this. The waste generated by discarded toiletries that cannot be recycled still presents a challenge to organisers. How can festival-goers make their toiletry choices more sustainable.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 1 November 2022

In the UK the government sponsors public organisations that provide a scientific nature conservation service to protect certain areas. Music festival organisers need to consider any potential Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) when planning their events in remote countryside locations.  


Andy Robertson - Monday 31 October 2022

Selecting a venue for a music festival can be a complex decision-making process with numerous factors influencing the final decision. Choosing a venue site within a forest can make the festival very appealing but what are the practical steps that organisers need to take in making this possible.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 27 October 2022


Festival-goer tastes may be changing when it comes to food purchased from on-site vendors at music festivals. Organic and sustainably sourced foods are increasing in demand and vendors are adapting their menus to reflect this. What are the challenges for vendors offering perishable fresh foods in this changing market. 


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 26 October 2022


Every year music festivals strive to wow audiences and festival-goers with impressive stage designs and layouts that seemingly always improve on previous years. Who are the army of people and artisans behind the creation of these magical stage designs that take months to produce.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 25 October 2022

With a focus on sustainability more music festival organisers are looking at alternative ways to construct and build their festival sites using reclaimed materials. What are the key considerations in using reclaimed materials and how do organisers get started by incorporating this into their site build plans.


Andy Robertson - Monday 24 October 2022


It was widely reported in the media this year that many music festivals struggled to recruit sufficient numbers of volunteers for their events. This may be an ongoing trend going into next year's festival season, what can organisers do to ensure they recruit enough volunteers to successfully run their events in 2023.


Andy Robertson - Sunday 23 October 2022


With many economies in turmoil combined with an uncertain political environment is the music festival sector still experiencing a staffing dilemma? The coronavirus pandemic forced many experienced festival staff to switch careers making it challenging for organisers to recruit experienced personnel in 2022, how has this situation developed in the final quarter of 2022.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 20 October 2022


The lifeblood of any major music festival is securing sponsorship for their event. Revenue from sponsorship deals can form a significant profit centre for festival organisers. As the popularity of music festivals increasers retailers and other consumer brands are increasing their investment in the sector.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 19 October 2022


Queues to enter a music festival site are unwelcome by festival-goers and organisers creating frustration for all involved. Aside from associated safety concerns long queues also generate immense dissatisfaction amongst ticket buyers potentially damaging the event’s brand and reputation. What steps can organisers take to manage and eliminate queue times.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 18 October 2022

The mysterious world of music festival ownership can be complex making it difficult to know who owns what. The transparency of festival ownership various from country to country depending on financial regulations and the history of music festival growth. Why is it sometimes so difficult to find out who owns what in this sector?


Andy Robertson - Monday 17 October 2022

A large music festival will attract a very broad group of people and this diversity is encouraged. Unfortunately, this diversity will often mean that unsavoury elements of the population are also likely to attend a festival. How can organisers manage removal of these undesirable individuals without causing disruption.


Andy Robertson - Sunday 16 October 2022

Although the sales of electric cars have been rapid the penetration of ownership remains very small. Music festival organisers are keen to promote use of cleaner energy vehicles when festival-goers are making travel arrangements and discounted parking is now common. What additional considerations are required for managing electric vehicles on a festival site?


Andy Robertson - Thursday 13 October 2022

Operating any music festival van be a risky business and many entities are lucky to break even or make a profit. The pressure on organisers has increased this year with rising costs and in some cases difficulties in generating sufficient numbers of ticket sales. What options are available for organisers prepared to make changes to reduce their operating costs.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 12 October 2022

Every music festival organisation now publishes their sustainability policies in a publicly available format to demonstrate their commitment. These policies may be well thought out and well-intentioned but have festival organisers given any serious thought about what their published policies mean and how their events can be truly sustainable?


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 11 October 2022

The electricity required to power a large multi-day music festival can be huge making it difficult for organisers to accurately match supply with demand. How can festival organisers balance the power requirements against output whilst taking full consideration of cleaner electricity generation objectives and keeping expenditure within budgetary requirements.


Andy Robertson - Monday 10 October 2022
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