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For any touring musician or band performing in numerous venues and festival locations having their instruments set up exactly to their personal preference is essential. Who performs these technical roles and what are the processes they use to ensure artists deliver a perfect performance that meets everyone's expectations Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 21 October 2024

An unexpected outburst from an artist scheduled to appear at a music festival can be upsetting for staff and crew members as well as impacting on set times and other logistical arrangements. Putting in place strategies to address potential issues with artists along with processes for dealing with unsavoury occurrences is key for festival organisers. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 16 October 2024


A large-scale multi-day music festival may have in excess of 1,000 performance artists booked. Perfecting the logistics for accommodating and moving artists around can be an enormous challenge with so many variables to consider. What can organisers do to make the process run as smoothly as possible with minimal disruption to artists and schedules. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 15 October 2024

For many European and North American festival organisers who run events in the summer months the autumn and winter is a busy period for line-up press announcements. This is not some random act by organisers but is part of a well-orchestrated strategy that requires multiple elements to come together to maximise sales revenue.   Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 14 October 2024

For any music festival that takes place in a remote location attracting festival-goers with a one stop package deal that includes transport, and accommodation can increase audience reach. These deals make the festival more accessible to more people but there are more reasons why these deals have an incremental impact on overall festival revenue. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 9 October 2024

Music festivals rely on a huge number of external contractors to make their events happen and suppliers to the sector make up a sizeable portion of this industry. Festival organisers prefer to use their own contracts when appointing a contractor which will have standard terms but there are also specific clauses and terms that only apply in the festival contractor relationship. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 8 October 2024

There are serious consequences when a performance artist incites a crowd into bad behaviour. Inciting violence and bad behaviour can lead to safety issues along with reputational and financial losses for all involved with the event. What steps can festival organisers take to be proactive in preventing any unsavoury incidents. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 7 October 2024

A huge amount of trust is put in external contractors appointed by festival organisers to deliver quality products and services on time and in a professional manner. Delivering what has been contracted is only part of the obligations an external contractor must fulfil as their responsibilities on a festival site go beyond this.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 2 October 2024

There is often a vast amount of photographic and video material generated during a music festival by a range of individuals. The ownership, licensing and use of this material can be influenced by a multitude of factors. What steps can festival organisers take to protect their owned material yet maximise engagement with a wider audience at the same time.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 1 October 2024

The days of paper tickets for music festival entry are long gone and have largely been replaced by some form of electronic checks. As access control systems become more sophisticated organisers need to get a good understanding of how to set up a robust system that provides security, rapid traffic throughput and real time data simultaneously. 


Andy Robertson - Monday 30 September 2024


Almost all artists need an experienced manager to oversee and guide them from discovery through to the creation of a long-term career. The artist's manager should bring a business and strategic perspective to the relationship. How is the function and role of these managers changing and what should artists focus on when choosing a one. 


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 25 September 2024

For any up-and-coming artist the traditional way to reach out to recording companies and DJs was to send a physical demo tape. Although the formats and reach out techniques have developed and changed the principle of the ‘demo tape’ is still relevant today as it was five decades ago. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 24 September 2024


It’s been a tough time for small pubs and bars in recent times with the coronavirus pandemic taking its toll on many businesses. Many of these small entertainment venues are struggling to generate paying customer visits and with rising costs margins are tight. How can these small venues leverage live music to generate increased customer visits and sales.


Andy Robertson - Monday 23 September 2024

For many, working for a music festival entity can be a dream job in what is a highly competitive market. Most festival entities prefer to recruit experienced talent, however, there are opportunities in some companies for fresh graduates and inexperienced talent in trainee roles which is great for keeping the industry constantly fed with new talent.  Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 18 September 2024

Most countries have some family friendly music festivals which cater for all ages with special attractions and allowances for children. What are the activities organisers can consider to make their events attractive to family groups where children are attending with parents or guardians.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 17 September 2024

For larger well known music festivals the theme design and stage construction can have an amazing visual impact. The artistic execution of festival themes are usually much anticipated by festival-goers, artists, sponsors and vendors. Who is responsible for the creation of these themes and the accompanying stage designs?


Andy Robertson - Monday 16 September 2024

Aside from a handful of autumn events September usually marks the end of the summer music festival season for most of northern Europe and the United States. What are the critical actions that all event organisers need to take during the immediate period following a music festival?   



Andy Robertson - Wednesday 11 September 2024

The line-up presented by festival organisers for a forthcoming event can impact significantly on ticket sales. The line-up curation process is a vital element of music festival planning but what are the key factors that ultimately drive ticket sales. Balancing budgets with artist availability and festival-goer's expectations can be very challenging.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 10 September 2024


With little publicity new standards for the food industry will come into law in March 2025. The new UK Food Standards Delivery Model will become part of the regulatory framework enforced by local authorities and is designed to work under existing food law. What impact will this have on the thousands of mobile food vendors attending music festivals every year. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 9 September 2024


It has been a troubling few years for the music festival sector in Europe and the United States with media reports suggesting numerous festival entities closing their doors for good. For investors and those working in the sector where are the growth opportunities in the coming years coming from?


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 4 September 2024

It is not unusual to meet individuals who describe themselves as music consultants but what does their work involve? As a vague description of an occupation, it can be difficult to determine what they do, however, it is likely that they have expertise in one or more areas of the music industry. What are the typical roles and responsibilities of a music consultant? Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 3 September 2024


There are a wide variety of reasons why someone creates their own independent record label. In an industry dominated by multinational corporate record labels how can a new independent label compete. What are the driving forces behind differentiation and financial success for a new label just starting out.


Andy Robertson - Monday 2 September 2024


Much of the planning for a music festival takes place a year or more in advance of the live dates and is mostly done in an office environment. As live dates get closer it will be time for the festival team to get on site and ensure that the necessary groundwork is completed in good time.  Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 28 August 2024


Touring can be a stressful and tiring process for many performance artists with tight schedules and constant travelling. It is essential that they have peace of mind that every aspect of their tour is suitably covered by insurance which is usually arranged by the artist's management team or the organisation responsible for arranging the tour.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 27 August 2024


Depending on the size of a music festival entity there will be a varying requirement to invest in infrastructure and other long-term assets. These assets can form part of the overall value of a festival organisation, so it is essential that organisers manage their asset portfolio for future financial planning and budgeting.  Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 26 August 2024


Artists and musicians on a tour can cover anything from a single country up to a global tour and the transport logistics will always be challenging. Tours are arranged by the artist’s record company usually to coincide with the release of new material. They will appoint a tour manager who is responsible for organising every aspect of the tour including transportation. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 21 August 2024


Large outdoor music festivals are vulnerable to changeable weather, and it can potentially cause to the most disruption to an event’s operations. With great preparation and contingency planning organisers can be ready for most eventualities. Accurate weather forecasting and monitoring is an essential part of being prepared but how do organisers get this data. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 20 August 2024

It is debatable when the most popular time is for music festivals in the UK as the season is generally between the end of May and beginning of September. Searching for scheduled events during the last weekend of August each year will throw up many festivals to choose from. What are the factors driving this weekend as one of the busiest? Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 19 August 2024

For small and medium sized music festivals the building of temporary stages and rigging can be a major investment often subject to delays from suppliers and contractors. Is buying a used second-hand temporary stage and rigging a good direction to pursue to save money and time during a site build up? Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 14 August 2024

The majority of music festivals take place without any noticeable delays or issues but there are occasions when something can go wrong which impacts on artists, festival-goers and vendors. What actions and plans can organisers implement to ensure a smooth operation even if delays happen. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 13 August 2024
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