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Much planning goes into getting a music festival up and running but a significant amount of planning is also required for the site breakdown load out process. What are the key aspects that festival organisers need to be aware of when planning their site breakdown for an efficient and effective process.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 26 April 2023

Some music festivals can be overwhelming experiences for festival-goers with hundreds of artists to see and plenty of other activities to do spread over several days on a large festival site. What can organisers do to make their experience easier to plan and less daunting, especially for those new to the festival scene.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 25 April 2023

Take a look at any music festival website and there will invariably always be a section dedicated to detailing previous events and the festival's history. What are the benefits to festival organisers in investing time and effort in creating and publishing a detailed history of previous festivals.


Andy Robertson - Monday 24 April 2023


Running a food pitch at a music festival can be daunting, challenging and rewarding but how can a new food vendor get started in this business. Vendor pitch space fees provide much needed revenue to organisers and vendor applications are usually oversubscribed. How can a new vendor secure a pitch at a music festival in this competitive environment?


Andy Robertson - Friday 21 April 2023


The revenue generated from sponsorship is a key element of any music festival’s overall income and many couldn’t exist without it. There are a number of factors currently impacting on music festival sponsorship, what should organisers focus on to secure this vital revenue stream this year and beyond.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 20 April 2023


The use of nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, by teenagers and younger people has been gaining much traction in the media recently. What should be the stance of music festival organisers of this rising trend and what are the legal implications for possession and use of nitrous oxide.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 19 April 2023

A large-scale music festival planned for a remote location with no infrastructure requires all equipment and supplies to be transported to the site. The planning required for the load-in transport logistics needs to take place well in advance of the festival dates, what are the key elements of this process that organisers should consider.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 18 April 2023

Music festivals in remote locations rely on a variety of electronic equipment which can be sensitive to extreme temperatures both hot and cold. What factors do festival organisers need to consider when arranging for the supply of electronic equipment and what steps can they take to ensure there are no failures.


Andy Robertson - Monday 17 April 2023

Music festival entrance gates require meticulous planning to ensure the safety and security of an outdoor event. Good planning and management can avoid unnecessary queuing and overcrowding at festival entrances. The entrance gate experience for festival-goers is often their first impression of the organisation so it is essential to get it right.   


Andy Robertson - Friday 14 April 2023

Festival and event organisers operate business activities that regularly engage with multiple audiences including other organisations, the media and members of the public. Media training for public facing event organisers will help to deliver consistent messages in a confident and empathetic manner which can build a positive attitude towards the festival or event entity. 


Andy Robertson - Thursday 13 April 2023

It is not uncommon for a music festival spokesperson to be a senior member of the organising team. What are the benefits to the festival entity of getting these senior people to act as the public face of a festival organisation rather than utilising an in-house public relations team. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 12 April 2023

Technological innovations are changing the way everyone works and music festivals can expect to see some of these changes in the near future too. These innovations could potentially make the planning and running of music festivals easier and more efficient, so organisers need to get up to speed on any potential changes coming soon.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 11 April 2023


The artist’s advance sheet is a fundamental aspect of organising any music festival as it confirms the mutual agreements made between organisers and artists. Finalising the artist’s advance can be one of the most time-consuming elements for staff organising a festival, but technology is helping to streamline the advancing process.


Andy Robertson - Monday 10 April 2023


Insurance can be a complex topic to understand particularly when related to organising and running any type of event. By their nature a music festival involves large numbers of people and organisers should take necessary action to ensure the safety of all visitors. Having the correct insurance policy can help to limit financial loss in cases when something does go wrong.


Andy Robertson - Friday 7 April 2023

Festival organisers often invest huge amounts of time, effort and funds in bringing a music festival to market. Despite meticulous planning there can be additional costs that get forgotten or missed pushing the event into a loss. What are the most common costs overlooked by festival organisers.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 6 April 2023

An increasing number of new entrants into the music festival sector are making the industry more competitive and challenging to make money. What steps can festival organisers take to differentiate their event from the plethora of music festivals now appearing in the traditional summer festival season.  


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 5 April 2023

For a variety of reasons, the adoption of vaping as a preference to cigarette smoking in the last decade has been increasing. *The global e-cigarette and vape market size was valued at USD 22.45 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30.6% from 2023 to 2030. How does this rise in vaping impact on the music festival sector?


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 4 April 2023

The number of festival-goers attending a music festival can have a huge impact on multiple factors that can determine the success or otherwise of an event. What do festival organisers need to consider when planning their events and calculating the ideal number of on-site visitors.


Andy Robertson - Monday 3 April 2023

The provision of clean safe drinking water at any outdoor festival is essential. A summer festival can experience hot and dry weather and it is vital that festival-goers and all on-site visitors stay hydrated and cool to prevent medical issues. What solutions are available for festival organisers to provide water on remote festival sites.


Andy Robertson - Friday 31 March 2023

Music festivals are gaining traction in popularity, particularly post coronavirus and this may be due to ticket buyers seeking an ‘experience’ rather than a commodity. In order to capitalise on this growth organisers may need to re-think how they brand and promote their festivals in the future.  


Andy Robertson - Thursday 30 March 2023
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