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Most regular festival-goers exhibit common behavioural traits and if organisers have a good understanding of these, they can be leveraged for future marketing messaging. Audience profiling exercises or deeper research can reveal typical behaviours and if this forms part of the marketing process can help organisers build great campaigns to generate engagement and ticket sales.


Andy Robertson - Monday 10 February 2025

Effective waste management is currently one of the biggest challenges for festival organisers. Usually part of their sustainability objectives waste management needs careful planning and implementation to ensure a measurable impact. These initiatives can be expensive, can organisers use smart waste management to improve the process without increasing costs.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 5 February 2025

Managing the artist riders is a crucial element in the smooth operation of any music festival and typically includes numerous aspects of technical set up and the provision of hospitality services. Festival organisers must balance budgetary constraints with satisfying the demands of performance artists. What are the key considerations for organisers when managing artist riders?


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 4 February 2025

Working for a music festival entity can be incredibly rewarding but at the same time staff face long unsocial working hours in a stressful environment. Keeping staff motivated and energised in these challenging conditions is vital to the smooth operation of the event making it an enjoyable experience for festival-goers. What steps can organisers take to motivate their staff. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 3 February 2025

It can be surprising when a long running music festival suddenly disappears from event calendars. This can come as a disappointment to loyal fans with many wondering why a seemingly strong event shuts up shop. What are the likely reasons for these well-known music festivals to cease trading and vanish for good. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 29 January 2025

A large outdoor music festival in a remote location must consider the car parking requirements for all site visitors. Personal cars remain the most popular means of transport to and from a festival site driven by convenience and lower costs. How should organisers plan and manage their temporary parking facilities to avoid congestion and enhance the festival-goer experience. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 28 January 2025

The UK government has proposed new legislation aimed at improving public safety and security at live events and venues in the United Kingdom. The proposed legislation puts the onus on venue owners and event organisers to take necessary steps to protect the public from terrorist attacks and security risks. What does this mean for music festival organisers operating in the UK?  Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 27 January 2025

Music festivals attract large crowds and an unfortunate consequence of this is that the festival site presents numerous opportunities for criminal thieves intent on stealing festival-goer's belongings. What steps can organisers and festival-goers take to minimise the chances of becoming a victim of these crimes? Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 22 January 2025

The traditional view of most music festivals is of muddy fields and dirty festival-goers who dont clean for several days. The modern muti-day festival is now a far more sophisticated and well organised event where staying clean and fresh is more likely the norm. Is the provision of on-site laundry services something that more organisers should consider? Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 21 January 2025

A large multi-day music festival on a remote site can present a number of challenges in managing access points. The festival site must be made secure and provide quick and easy access to verified individuals. How can organisers plan their access control management to ensure that the right people gain entry in a safe and quick manner. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 20 January 2025


Any sizable music festival will need a significant number of volunteers to ensure a successful event. Festival organisers rely heavily on their full-time staff working closely with volunteers where the work can often be stressful combined long hours. How do organisers create robust plans for the wellness of all staff and volunteers working on a festival site.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 15 January 2025


European and North American music festival organisers tend to launch marketing campaigns for early bird tickets in January. Organisers find this is one of the best months to announce their ticketing options and it generates much needed sales revenue well in advance of the festival’s live dates. Why do organisers focus so much on January as a key month to sell tickets? Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 14 January 2025

Fire is a serious subject that needs the full attention of music festival organisers to prevent potential injuries and property damage in the event of any incidents. There are strict regulations governing fire prevention at all event locations and compliance with these is essential for the safe operation of all music festivals. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 13 January 2025

Every music festival organiser is trying to attract new festival-goers to their events and each year millions of people attend their first music festival. Organisers should do their utmost to make the ticket purchase experience smooth and easy but this must be followed up with comprehensive guides and tips for those new to a particular festival Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 13 January 2025

Great light shows are part of the music festival experience and work in conjunction with sound systems to deliver slick artist sets. The technology being used for festival stage lighting shows is advancing and evolving rapidly. What is new and emerging from lighting suppliers and what other considerations are there for installing and creating great light shows? Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 7 January 2025

The music festival sector is expected to grow significantly in the coming years along with associated spend and revenues. This makes every aspect of a music festival attractive to criminals intent on extracting money from unsuspecting victims. What scams and activity are currently trending that organisers and festival-goers need to be wary of this year and beyond. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 6 January 2025

Not every music festival has the same rules regarding alcohol consumption on a festival site. Festival-goers need to appraise themselves of any specific alcohol related rules that apply to the event they wish to attend. What are the typical rules and restrictions employed by music festival organisers and how are they enforced.  Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Thursday 2 January 2025

Every music festival entity strives to provide an inclusive event that caters for all festival-goers and many organisers include comprehensive guidance regarding accessibility for their events. Provisions for accessibility can cover a multitude of factors but what are the specific actions that organisers can take to prepare for visually impaired festival-goers. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 31 December 2024

There are a number of reasons why music festival organisers use swag or branded merchandise as part of their marketing operations. The branded festival merchandise has managed to imbed itself as part of the festival culture but what are the key considerations for organisers when sourcing and using swag. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Monday 30 December 2024

The timing of press releases made by music festival organisers is a critical part of their overall communications strategy. What are the key drivers behind press releases made at certain times of the year and what type of news is announced throughout the year in each season for the typical summer music festival. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Friday 27 December 2024
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