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Attending a Music Festival Solo or in a Group.

Andy Robertson

Music festivals are generally very inclusive and festival-goers usually come from a diverse group of people. Whilst most attendees travel with friends there are also a significant number who are going to a festival on their own. What are the pros and cons of going to a music festival solo or in a group.

There are certainly advantages and disadvantages for both attending a music festival solo or as part of a group and it often depends on personal preferences. On occasions people plan to travel to a music festival with friends but sometimes they drop out leaving no choice to but to go solo. Whether going solo or in a group both experiences can be equally enjoyable but in different ways.

Going Solo.
Probably the biggest benefit of going solo is the freedom to create a personal agenda without distractions or having to coordinate with others. Going solo enhances the need for self-reliance and can be a good way to experience a journey of self discovery and presents opportunities to meet new people with similar interests. On the downside going solo can be a lonely experience but this may depend on an individual's personality type. Solo travellers may be more prone to safety concerns, particularly for women but organisers now provide designated safe zones for anyone feeling vulnerable. Obviously as a solo attendee there will be no opportunities for group activities with friends and the shared experiences and memories they create.

Going in a Group. 
Travelling to a music festival with a group of friends can greatly enhance the overall experience as the excitement it generates, and memories shared are amplified. Festival-goers are more likely to feel safer and more secure when attending in a group, it is also easier to find emotional support within a close group of friends. The logistics of attending a festival like transport and accommodation arrangements can be shared lifting the burden on each individual however, organising a group can present coordination challenges too. Festival-goers in groups tend to agree to a schedule of activities which may be a compromise and reduce schedule flexibility for each individual. Group dynamics can sometimes lead to conflicts between individuals detracting from the overall experience. Those attending in a group often have less opportunity to meet new people from outside of their group. 

Other Considerations. 
For solo festival-goers it is recommended that they inform a family member of where they will be during their festival experience, this helps to reduce stress and worry. Solo attendees should be extra vigilant about their surroundings on site and avoid risky situations. Group attendees should agree on communication channels and schedules prior to the event so they can stay connected and informed during the festival. An individual's personality type may determine whether they are more suited to going solo or in a group, introverted types may prefer going solo with smaller less crowded events. Extroverts are more suited to groups and fit well with large, crowded festivals. Festival-goers should ultimately opt for the event type, going solo or in a group, depending on what makes them feel the most comfortable. 

For festival organisers planning their events using a software management platform like Festival Pro gives them all the functionality they need manage every aspect of their event logistics. The guys who are responsible for this software have been in the front line of event management for many years and the features are built from that experience and are performance artists themselves. The Festival Pro platform is easy to use and has comprehensive features with specific modules for managing artists, contractors, venues/stages, vendors, volunteers, sponsors, guestlists, ticketing, cashless payments and contactless ordering. 

Image by TaniaVdB via Pixabay

Andy Robertson
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