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What Can't be Taken onto a Music Festival Site in 2024.

Andy Robertson

Festival organisers have always published lists of banned items that cannot be brought onto a music festival site. New rules, legislation and public opinion are driving additions to these banned item lists around the world. What changes do festival-goers need to be aware of prior to packing their festival backpacks this year.

There can be differences between countries in what festival organisers will include on their banned items lists. There are usually fundamental items like weapons which are universally banned irrespective of location, but other more obscure rules may be in place depending on the location and views of specific organising entities. It is likely that the larger the festival the more draconian the rules may be due to corporate policies. 

Common Banned Items. 
Most items that appear on a festival banned list will be common sense but typically will include the following:

  • Weapons: Firearms, knives, pepper spray, fireworks, and other dangerous objects.
  • Narcotics: Drugs (including marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, etc.) are universally banned.
  • Alcohol: Depends on the festival and location but can be used to maximise on-site sales.
  • Recording Equipment: Professional cameras or recording equipment will require media accreditation.
  • Glass: Almost all glass containers will be banned to prevent injuries.
  • Miscellaneous: Flying drones over the festival site along with aerosol cans, pepper spray, or mace may be prohibited due to safety concerns. 

Where to Find the Banned Lists. 
Music festival websites will always include a list of banned items along with guidance for festival-goers. In additional many organisers make press announcements prior to the event dates highlighting additions to previous years along with entrance search procedures. Organisers may also send reminders about banned items to ticket buyers as part of their terms and conditions of purchase along with the consequences which may include ejection from the festival grounds. 

New Additions in 2024. 
Vapes and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) have been festival-goer favourites for a number of years, but organisers are likely to crack down on these in 2024. Legislation in countries like the UK have seen a ban of nitrous oxide which is now classified as a Class C drug along with restrictions on single use vapes. Festival-goers should be aware of complete vape bans in 33 countries including Argentina, Brazil, India, Malaysia, Norway, Singapore, Thailand and Turkey for example. 

Other Factors to Consider. 
In some countries and regions, the sale and use of marijuana has been legalised (Netherlands, Canada, Thailand and some states in the US) however festival-goers in these countries should check the specific festival rules as organisers will still prohibit their use on a festival site. Although smoking tobacco is permitted at most festivals it is a habit that is increasingly frowned upon with smoking only permitted in restricted zones far away from others. Many organisers will provide amnesty bins at entrances for those who forget or were unaware of specific banned items. There is usually a good reason for items being banned and forms part of the organisers efforts to promote safety at their events. 

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Image by OpenClipart-Vectors via Pixabay

Andy Robertson
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