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There are a minefield of rules regulations and procedures relating to health and safety for any music festival. Aside from understanding all the requirements how can these be successfully implemented to avoid any unnecessary breaches that in the worst case could lead to a premature closure of the event.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 15 July 2021

Festivals are driven by the skilled professional people involved in managing every aspect of the event organisation and logistics. With large festivals using hundreds of volunteers, staff, artists, crews and contractors it is essential that sufficient facilities are put in place to provide top quality backstage catering solutions.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 14 July 2021

Despite meticulous planning the power supply for a music festival can fail causing a multitude of issues for organisers, artists, technicians, vendors and festival-goers. What steps can festival organisers take to mitigate the impact of a power outage during a remote site multi-day festival with up to 50,000 festival-goers. 


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 13 July 2021

For music festivals taking place during the summer months in countries with temperate climates an unexpected heatwave can prove uncomfortable and even dangerous. What precautions can festival organisers take to ensure that their event proceeds without any problems associated with high temperatures. 


Andy Robertson - Monday 12 July 2021

There are thousands of small festivals taking place every year around the world that have grown out of someone’s hobby. These festivals cover just about every niche conceivable and cater for smaller audiences who have the same interests. How do these hobbies transition from small clubs and local meetings to annual festivals? 


Andy Robertson - Sunday 11 July 2021

For ticket buyers, artists, contractors and other suppliers how can they trust the organiser of a new music festival? With the legal fallout and debacle from the disastrous Fyre festival (2017) continuing some four years later what lessons that can be learnt and how can trust be earned between all parties involved. 


Andy Robertson - Thursday 8 July 2021


With funding at a crucial level for many music festivals and many on the cusp of survival can new sponsorship deals save the day? As the number of festivals cancelled has increased there are fewer choices for festival-goers making those that are going ahead sold out, this is an attractive captive audience for many potential sponsors but can they save the sector?    


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 7 July 2021


As the UK (currently only England) starts getting ready for ‘Freedom Day’ on 19th July there is a frenzy of activity in nightclubs and other live event venues plus music festivals as they get ready to welcome visitors again. It is more important now than ever to keep a constant flow of news content flowing out to interested parties.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 6 July 2021

The online presence of every music festival has become even more important since the coronavirus pandemic disrupted the sector. Ticket buyers, vendors, volunteers and contractors now rely on a music festival's online presence more than ever and for these reasons it is vital that this works seamlessly for all concerned. 


Andy Robertson - Monday 5 July 2021

With restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic it's been difficult to plan ahead music festival attendance not knowing if an event is going ahead or not. Add into that the costs of tickets, travel and time off work the expense can soon add up. For anyone keen to create their own experience is it possible to run your own private mini music festival? 


Andy Robertson - Sunday 4 July 2021


For live events and music festivals the staffing is often a mixture of core permanent teams and volunteers. In addition, there may be hybrid roles that fit between the two with longer-term full-time contractors but whatever their status a comprehensive training programme should be in place to ensure successfully run events. 


Andy Robertson - Thursday 1 July 2021


It has been a financially catastrophic 18 months for the live events industry globally and this will mean changes in the near future. From music festivals to venues and ticketing companies some consolidation is inevitable but what are the likely outcomes going into 2022 and who will be the winners and losers? 


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 30 June 2021

COVID-19 Updates

The UK’s Step Four roadmap to reopening was delayed from 21st June to 19th July this year. This has been a big blow for many event organisers with numerous music festivals cancelling 2021 altogether. With so much information circulating currently what are the key points of the government’s current plans?


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 29 June 2021


The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the development and adoption of technology for the music festival sector. With virtually 100% penetration of smart phones in the general population organisers are using mobile tech to improve efficiency and to assist in compliance with any new COVID-19 restrictions that will likely apply to future live events. 


Andy Robertson - Monday 28 June 2021

Festival goers are usually going to festivals for the music, atmosphere and overall experience but some visitors like to put more emphasis on the fashion too. It's probably a fine balance between practicality and looking good or at least looking the part for a festival that may have a particular theme or genre style. 


Andy Robertson - Sunday 27 June 2021

Festival goers have generally been happy to gain entry to the festival site and start enjoying the atmosphere. The branded welcome pack containing useful freebies was once the domain of the VIP ticket holder but this is changing and festival-goers now have higher expectations considering the high price of tickets. 


Andy Robertson - Thursday 24 June 2021

Many live music events are organised and run by music promoters from small intimate live performances in nightclubs to full blown multi-day music festivals. It sounds like a fascinating and exciting career but how easy is it to become a successful music promoter and what kind of skills are required. 


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 23 June 2021

Whilst the world moves to alternative more environmentally friendly renewable energy power sources music festival organisers need to make informed decisions about how they power their events. The focus has been on reduction in CO2 and other harmful emissions but what are the real impacts of using alternative power sources. 


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 22 June 2021

As many music festival organisers have been forced to cancel their main multi day festivals they have moved to other outlets including virtual online shows and smaller pop-up events. Restrictions brought about by the coronavirus pandemic have made large events impossible but small one day pop-up festivals are gaining in popularity.  


Andy Robertson - Monday 21 June 2021


In an effort to increase exposure numerous performance artists have taken to the creation of their own music festivals. There may be other numerous reasons for the motivation in taking this route but certainly there are many successfully run music festivals created by performance artists but what are the challenges in pursuing this route? 


Andy Robertson - Sunday 20 June 2021
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