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Running an event may entail numerous licensing factors depending on the nature of your event. Major considerations will be the audience size, type of venue and even the time of day or night. Are your artists licensed for their performance and will you be selling alcohol? 


Andy Robertson - Thursday 23 April 2020


You planned your event with venue dates and artists confirmed. The really important part now is generating ticket sales with some great marketing but don’t forget that one of the most crucial aspects of generating ticket sales is to enable the payment process. 

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 22 April 2020


Complying with Health and Safety requirements for your event may seem like a daunting task but most of it is common sense and with good planning you should have no problems satisfying all Health and Safety requirements Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Tuesday 21 April 2020

In this time of uncertainty, it pays to have all your bases covered and having your event insured has become vital in light of the number of cancellations taking place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  


Andy Robertson - Monday 20 April 2020

Your event planning has been impeccable and the first day of your event arrives but this is not time to sit back and rest on your laurels. Make sure you are prepared for any eventuality and expect the unexpected. What exactly can you do to mitigate potential disasters? 


Andy Robertson - Sunday 19 April 2020

Depending on the size of your event you undoubtedly will have a team of people helping you out. From your full time events staff to volunteers you could be managing a variety of staff with varying degrees of experience and skills. You can negate any problems by careful planning to make sure everyone knows what they need to do and when and where they need to be.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 16 April 2020

It’s a competitive world out there particularly in the events business. Whether you are running a music festival, comedy show, arts show or business conference the same basic marketing principles apply. Get on top of your event marketing to maximise ticket sales and attendance.


Andy Robertson - Wednesday 15 April 2020

As more and more live events get re-scheduled for later in the year or cancelled altogether hoping to return in 2021 there is a movement towards online events. All is not lost and it’s really important to stay engaged with your customers and target audience during this difficult time.


Andy Robertson - Tuesday 14 April 2020

Running a successful regular event is only possible if you continue to make improvements to enhance the customer experience. A successful event will also help attract top talent and higher audience attendance in the future, the best way to make continual improvement is by getting feedback on every event.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 9 April 2020


For any event you should consider vendor suppliers as an additional profit centre that contributes to your overall revenue stream. You are also providing an essential service to customers attending your event from alcohol sales to the provision of food and catering.


Andy Robertson - Thursday 9 April 2020


Controlling a multitude of artists at a festival spanning several days may seem like a daunting task. There are so many things to consider, the devil is in the detail. Here are some considerations for managing artists to ensure a successful event. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 8 April 2020


There are so many things ready to trip you up when running an event. Each is an integral part of your planning process and with so many moving parts it pays to have a dynamic outlook and be prepared to make rapid changes as necessary. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 8 April 2020


Draw people in to your event with a specific popular artist or focus on something that has a popular following even if it is niche. If it’s an annual event you probably already have a winning format that you know will draw a crowd. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 8 April 2020

Getting paid and making a profit for your event is one of your top considerations. If you can’t get paid fast and turn a profit what are you doing this for? As always cash flow is king, generate early pre-event sales revenue to contribute towards the overall event expenses. Read More ->

Andy Robertson - Wednesday 8 April 2020
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