Itching for a Music Festival in 2021.
Having been restricted for over a year many festival goers are itching to get back to the festival scene. Most music festivals in the UK have moved their dates to late summer with plenty of potential for festival congestion over the shortened season and so event goers are going to be spoilt for choice.
Some media commentators are already calling 2021 a superb summer of music festivals, the reality of that remains to be seen. For many festival organisers there are still huge hurdles to overcome in relation to site entrance protocols and compliance with any official COVID-19 related restrictions imposed by authorities. What should event goers be considering before planning their own attendance at music festivals in 2021 as the formalities of attendance are challenged.
For those that are lucky enough to already be in possession of tickets purchased for cancelled events in 2020 most validity has been transferred to 2021. This of course assumes that the festival is now going ahead this year. It's worth checking the status of any ticket held with the organisers or ticketing agent to fully understand any revised terms and conditions or additional restrictions that may have been introduced. As most festivals for 2020 were sold out or very close to being sold out the availability of new ticket sales will be limited so anyone keen on a particular festival should be keeping up to date with announcements form organisers of festivals they're interested in with regards to times and dates tickets will go on sale.
COVID-19 Restrictions.
Of course, the biggest consideration will be the restrictions that will be imposed by organisers on event goers. Ticket holders should not assume that they can just turn up on opening day and gain entry. It is vital that ticket holders check the entry requirements and get prepared. Some festivals are stating that evidence of a vaccine is required or that a rapid test will be conducted prior to entry and only ticket holders with negative results will be admitted. There may also be mandatory requirements for face masks and social distancing in certain areas of a festival site. Ticket holders should check and be well prepared for all possible entrance restrictions.
Travel Restrictions.
For domestic travel within the UK there should be no restrictions by July 2021 but for ticket holders overseas it is worth checking any travel restrictions along with flight availability. These requirements are changing daily so it makes sense to stay up to date with developments.
For the lucky event goers with tickets to their preferred music festival they should be in for a great but condensed festival season. Keep up to date with organisers announcements and make necessary preparations to avoid disappointment.
For any event organiser planning their summer 2021 music festival using a software management platform like Festival Pro gives them all the functionality they need manage every aspect of their communications with event goers and festival logistics. The guys who are responsible for this software have been in the front line of event management for many years and the features are built from that experience and are performance artists themselves. The Festival Pro platform is easy to use and has comprehensive features with specific modules for managing artists, contractors, venues/stages, vendors, volunteers, sponsors guestlists and ticketing.
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